Synopsis: Synopsis: Khamlao is a secret agent for the country of Wongnaileum, which shares a common dialect and culture with its neighboring country, Thailand. He is dispatched to Bangkok on a secret mission to track down some terrorists. To do so, he goes undercover as a singer working for a record label that serves as a front company for dealers in weapons of mass destruction. As he probes deep inside the record company, he finds that the company’s executive secretary is actually a CIA agent, assigned to the same mission. Meanwhile, Khamlao’s wife, Keaw, discovers that Khamlao had lied to her about his job in Thailand. This film is a prequel to The Bodyguard (2004), and is the most expensive Thai movie ever made.
Region Code: All
Format: NTSC
Running Time: 95 min.
Languages: Thai
Subtitles: English
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
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